How to Stay Organized Before, During, & After Your Move

Posted August 7, 2024

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You’ve finally bought your own condo unit, and it’s time to make the big move to your place. Moving out of your family home and living by yourself for the first time are big leaps of faith that are a big part of adulting. You’ve got the furniture ready, had your electrical and water installed, and signed the deed.

However, there’s still a lot of literal baggage left over from your home or old place. What do you do with them? How will you sort out what to bring to your new unit and what to leave out? Here are a few packing tips to stay organized before, during, and after your move.

Make a checklist for everything

Make a list, and check it twice as the holiday song says. A moving checklist is the biggest must-have for anybody who needs to sort things out for moving. List down everything you’re bringing for your move and the things you need for your move. Better yet, sort out each item specifically per room to make the most efficient packing possible and make the transition to your new place easier.

Image from Freepik


Decluttering is essential to every move. As you sort out your belongings, you’re going to have a few things that you’ll have to leave behind. Bust out those plastic containers and boxes and begin sorting out which among your stuff you will bring with the move and which isn’t making the trip. Utilize Marie Kondo’s famous KonMari Method and visualize where you see yourself in your new place and how you live life there, and sort things out from there.

You can declutter in different ways: throw out useless or broken things, sell some that you can get extra cash with, and donate clothes that are collecting dust.

Having fewer things will result in stress-free moving, and it can give you the fresh start you need when moving into your old unit.

Ask for help

No man is an island, so if you’re unsure if you’re organizing the right way, feel free to ask friends and family for help. Ask them for advice, especially if they have already experienced a move before. If you have work to deal with or children and pets to look after, having a helping hand is always welcome.

File with a moving binder

You’re the newest owner of your unit, so you need to maintain the deeds that prove you own the place. The last thing you want is to lose them amidst all the clutter. Keep all the important files organized in a binder or a folder, and then sort and add labels to keep you less confused when you’re finding them again. Use color-coded sticky paper, bright markers, or large labels to indicate each file so you won’t get confused with your own files.

Prioritize the essentials

As you’re settling into a new home, you might not have the energy to open up those boxes and sort them out immediately. Aside from the important files, you’re still going to need the essentials during your move. Have a bag or a box where you can easily access things like toiletries, IDs, tools, and medicine that you can immediately use on day one. You can also keep a few snacks on hand, as well as toys for children or pets.

Moving marks a huge change for anyone but with the proper moving tricks, essentials, and helping hands, organizing your belongings before, during, and after your move can be stress-free.